Hogeschool Rotterdam

River Delta Development

Beroepsbeeld: waar werk je en wat doe je?

River Delta Development unique features
  • you will acquire in-depth knowledge of a river delta system through 1.5 years (3 x 30 EC) of working in and learning about the various constituent regions, specifically the coast, river systems, and urban water;
  • you will gain knowledge and insight into transitional processes, system changes, and research methods;
  • you will work using the latest insights and methods in delta technology, design, and governance by participating in research programmes at the three universities of applied sciences;
  • you will develop your personal and professional competencies through innovative research methods based on a didactically supported competency profile and will be tested and assessed for satisfactory completion by delta professionals, applied professors, researchers, and lecturers.

The River Delta Development master is the only professional Master’s programme in this field at the hbo level in the Netherlands. All other water-related Master’s programmes are offered by research universities. A Master’s programme at the hbo level is distinguished by its practical approach, intensive collaboration with the work field (e.g. via Living Labs), and a broad perspective on the material (in this case, the river delta).


The English-taught master River Delta Development is a unique joint degree offered by three universities of applied sciences with complementing expertise in the field of water.

The three universities of applied sciences are: HZ University of Applied Sciences (coastal regions), Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences (river systems), and Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences (urban water).

River Delta Development: facilitators of change
The master River Delta Development trains students to be facilitators of change for river deltas. Everywhere in the world, urbanisation and climate change are encroaching upon these fertile, ecologically valuable regions. The challenge is to decrease the vulnerability of river deltas while simultaneously increasing the opportunities for healthy economic and ecological development. In the master River Delta Development, these developments are viewed as transitions: progressive, complex changes and adjustments in river delta systems that demand professionals who can intervene effectively. These transitions require innovative, multidisciplinary, and holistic solutions. Versatile delta professionals are required, who not only have knowledge of river delta systems (coasts, seas, and rivers) and the latest developments, but also possess the necessary research and communication skills to make meaningful contributions to these transitions. The central theme of the River Delta Development master programme is: The transition of deltas: from large-scale management to sustainable adaptation.

The Dutch delta as an example
The universities of applied sciences of HZ, Van Hall Larenstein, and Rotterdam have been collaborating at the Centre of Expertise Delta Technology for several years and are combining their complementing expertise in the fields of coastal regions, river systems, and urban water to create the River Delta Development master. This will provide you with insight into how the different component systems operate, how they relate to each other, and how the delta functions as a cohesive system. By focusing (and working, if you choose) on the international context, you will learn how to apply this knowledge in deltas around the world.


2 jaar

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