CLS Trainingen

ChatGPT for Business (inclusief examen)

Algemene informatie over de cursus

The course ChatGPT for Business (inclusief examen) is designed to give business people with a non-technical background a comprehensive understanding of ChatGPT, one of the most powerful AI language models available in the market today.

Course outcomes:

  • gain a comprehensive understanding of ChatGPT and its capabilities;
  • develop critical thinking skills to evaluate the potential of ChatGPT in different business use cases;
  • understanding of the architecture behind the model;
  • master the skill of prompt engineering for effective interaction with ChatGPT;
  • learn how to integrate ChatGPT into existing workflows;
  • understand the limitations and risks associated with ChatGPT.

After the course you can participate in the exam Certified Generative AI Fundamentals based on ChatGP.

This course is meant for: - individuals who need a basic understanding ChatGPT; - professionals who want to learn the potential and pitfalls of ChatGPT and how to deal with it; - business analysts.


There is no formal prerequisite for this course.


De training duurt een dag.


The maximum amount of participants is twelve persons.


After the course you can participate in the exam Certified Generative AI Fundamentals based on ChatGP.

Plaatsen / leslocaties


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