Hogeschool Inholland

International Business Innovation Studies (IBIS)

Beroepsbeeld: waar werk je en wat doe je?

Everywhere in the world, innovation is key. Our society is in the midst of a shift in world views. We are moving from a post-industrial techno market which is characterized by linearity and standardisation (think of the factory model introduced by Frederick W. Taylor and Henry Ford), to a social-ecological era. This new era revolves around customisation, personalisation, differentiation and distribution. Complexity is shifting from something that is mostly two-dimensional and that can be addressed sequentially, to something that is three-dimensional that demands simultaneous and integrated attention, with a more cross-disciplinary approach. As predictability becomes more difficult and uncertainty becomes the norm, innovation becomes indispensable for businesses. More than ever, in the 21st century businesses need to be able to understand key trends that will shape the future of technology, customers, society and the market place and be agile at responding to these.

The International Business Innovation Studies programme is dedicated to providing the 21st century international business world with the (junior) directors of innovation who will help businesses to survive and thrive in this age of relentless innovation. The primary focus of the International Business Innovation Studies programme is on initiating, designing, managing and executing innovation in (all aspects) of business on an international scale. The programme is a merge of solid business knowledge, creativity and innovation, combined with a good dose of international and cross-cultural knowledge and skills.


Is this programme right for you?
Are you interested in leading change and innovation within an international business environment? Want to develop and develop and sharpen your skills in:
  • defining trends and developments, problems, issues, opportunities, necessary changes;
  • designing value-adding solutions that meet the end users' needs (e.g. concepts, strategies, products, services, processes);
  • executing / implementing business cases, plans, ideas, solutions and performing tasks and activities derived from the business case and plans (marketing, sales, HR, purchasing, finance, etc.);
  • evaluating, measuring and monitoring performance and execution?

Do you want to become an idea fuser ("a person with the ability to pull two unlike things together to create a beautiful third") and a knowmad ("a creative, imaginative, and innovative person who can work with almost anybody, anytime, and anywhere")?

Then the International Business Innovation Studies programme might be perfect for you. You will develop skills in discovery (innovation, creative concepts, Imagineering) and delivery (implementation), and learn how to combine them and apply them to new developments on an international scale in order to manage innovation, set high visions and execute profitably on a global and multicultural scale.


Students who meet the formal admission requirements, set by Dutch education law, will be admitted to the programme:
  • vwo, havo, mbo4 or equivalent foreign diploma, propaedeutic certificate, associate degree certificate, bachelor degree, foreign degree or diploma that provides entry to higher education in country of origin, positive 21+ test scores;
  • English proficiency IELTS 6.0 / TOEFL iBt 80 / Cambridge Advanced A, B or C or comparable (certificate not older than 2 years) for students with a foreign diploma from a country where English is not the native language;
  • A passing grade for English on the final exam vwo, havo or the mbo4 intake test English for Dutch students.


4 jaar


In het hoger onderwijs moet je collegegeld betalen aan de hogeschool of universiteit die door de overheid gefinancierd wordt. Bij een hoger onderwijsinstelling die door de overheid gefinancierd wordt, is het collegegeld voor bepaalde groepen vastgesteld. Naast deze kosten krijg je te maken met schoolkosten, zoals boekenkosten, reiskosten etc. Deze bijdrage verschilt per school.

  • Voltijdse opleiding:
Voor het studiejaar 2014/2015 (start 1 september) is het wettelijke collegegeld vastgesteld
op € 1.906,00.

  • Deeltijd of duale opleiding (de opleiding stelt het bedrag vast):
Volg je een deeltijd of duale opleiding dan bedraagt het collegegeld voor het studiejaar 2014/2015 tussen de € 1099,00 en de € 1.906,00. Dit bedrag wordt door de instelling vastgesteld.

Het wettelijk collegegeld wordt jaarlijks geïndexeerd.

Gratis informatie aanvragen

Vul hieronder jouw gegevens in, dan krijg je gratis informatie toegestuurd.

  • De ingevoerde (persoons)gegevens worden door de geselecteerde opleidingsaanbieder(s) gebruikt om de gestelde vraag te beantwoorden;
  • Indien gewenst mag de onderwijsinstelling waar ik mijn aanvraag naar stuur mijn gegevens bewaren om mij van advies te voorzien;
  • Ik ben tenminste 16 jaar oud, of heb toestemming van mijn ouders of voogd om deze informatieaanvraag te verzenden;
  • De privacy statement en algemene voorwaarden van Stichting ROC.nl zijn van toepassing.